What is ‘Dharma’? Creating The Dharma Of Sustainable Educational Models

Dharma ? Is it complicated to explain? Is it a simple concept? What is “the dharma”? How to define it? It’s said to be full and empty, nothing and everything, unqualified, unformed, unknowable, all knowing, formless, above and beyond, integral to, all-in-all, in everyone, also nonexistent, a non-identity, unfathomable. Dharma is everything; it is nothing; the one and the many, simultaneously. Is Dharma a difficult concept to define? A myriad complexity that is everything, everywhere, all at once… and nowhere. All knowledge, all wisdom, and tangible consciousness, alive, intangible, aware and filled with light and unqualified love and reflecting back qualities of wisdom. Is that Dharma? What is Dharma? Considering how central the concept of Dharma is to the belief systems of billions of people on planet Earth, it is startling how few Americans actually know what Dharma means. I conducted an unofficial poll sporadically over the last thirty years, and asked dozen’s of Americans “Wh...